sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2007

Mmmm, yes, Oxfordshire sir...

Today is my last day in Oxford. Last day of not being able to feel my feet because of the cold, last day of having my funds sapped by the exchange rate. Last day of watching the sun set at 4:30pm. Thank God.

Or not, because I've been praying to God to extend my ticket just a little. Because it's also my last day of Keon's company. Last day to see his face, enjoy his kisses. Last day to cook for him and laugh with him. Last day to hold his hand. As much as Oxford drains me of warmth and money, it's been worth it to get this time with him.

Aside from the pure pleasure of his company, this trip has been a crazy mix of work, fun, triumph, and relaxation. Work because both of us are knee-deep in research (he more so than I), class scheduling for next semester (just me), and study runs (just Keon). Fun because since arriving I've been on Keon's arm for the annual Rhodes and Marshall scholars' Google party, a Halloween salsa party, and a wonderful dinner date. Triumph because I got to see the result of an entire year's work by the Black Association of Rhodes Scholars when President Kufuor of Ghana gave the inaugural address for the first celebration of Black History Month ever held at Oxford. Keon gave the introductory speech. Relaxation because, despite how busy we are (and especially how busy Keon is) we've managed to squeeze in time to just be with each other, to enjoy each other's company. And, to be honest, that's been the best part of this whole trip.

He's coming to visit in early December. We're spending Christmas together. I shouldn't be so sad to leave. But really guys? When you've got something this good, it makes getting on a plane damn hard. No matter how many palm trees are waiting for you at your destination.

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