jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2007

last weeks and Madrid

Ok, yes, I realize that it's been awhile since I last wrote anything. Bad Niki. I really don't have any good excuse except that, as most of you know, I just really suck at writing letters and such. And blogs fall into that category, so I don't come near mine very often.

Anywho, it's been an interesting few weeks. A lot of it has been a standard schedule of dance class, real class, research, etc. I cooked dinner for the kids on my program once, went through two seasons of six feet under, and have broken out my jacket because it has (relatively speaking) gotten cold. Which means that the highs are now in the 60's instead of the 80's. Such hardship.

The most exciting part of the past weeks has probably been the program trip to Madrid. We left last Friday morning and came back Sunday night - both ways on the bus. NEVER do that. It's a six-hour one way trip, and if you've never traveled by bus before in Europe, TRUST ME, it's worth it to pay the 5 euros more and take a train.

Once we actually got to Madrid though, it was pretty sweet. Our hostel was right in the center of the city, within walking distance of every palace and museum one could think of. We toured the royal palace and the contemporary art museum (I got the see Guernica, which was a really moving experience). No Prado (classical art museum) because of some mix up with our tickets, but a huge open air market instead.

Outside of the program activities, the nights were pretty cool. Friday night was chill, I just tagged along with Irene and visited a Spanish girl she knows that lives in Madrid name Laura. Saturday night was way more intense. Remember, everything in Spain starts roughly 4 hours later. So dinner (at a Lebanese restaurant) got going around 11pm. By the time we made it to the club, it was after 2am.

And what a club that was. El Kapital is one of those places that justifies a 20 euro entrance fee. 7 floors, each with a different type of music or theme. The ground floor is a huge techno/house-driven sea of people, with live dancers, drummers, and special effects out the wazoo. There was a rock floor, and oldies floor, a karaoke bar, a movie theater, a gift shop. There was probably a restaurant, I just didn't look hard enough. I ended up on a floor that had a great mixture of reggaeton, hiphop, and dancehall. Haven't danced that much outside of Mac. We ended up just staying in the club until we could catch the 6am metro back to the center - and the club was still packed when we left. I don't know if I'm cut out for Spanish nightlife on a regular basis.

Needless to say, Sunday was a loooong day.

Since then I've been back into the regular swing of things. Trying to get all of my work done before Keon gets here on the 10th, so it's a lot of study time right now and not much else. Next week is already my last week of classes, then a week of exams, and then Keon comes and I'm done. dang.

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