lunes, 1 de octubre de 2007

Getting it into gear

So real school starts this week, as in my class in the university. so far it´s been pretty chill. my Civilization of Al-Andalus class lasted for exactly fifteen minutes, and I don´t meet with my research advisor until fri morning. For now I¨m killing time before my spanish language class by doing things like writing in my blog :)

The last two weeks have been this crazy mix of orientation, meetings, getting lost, more meetings, grammer workshops, student exchanges, and program classes. Despite that, I´ve still managed to make it to the beach again, try to go salsa dancing (and fail, much to my frustration) and find a flamenco school.

At long last, my life is settling into a rhythm. I´m learning things like where to buy good, cheap groceries, how the drugstores work here, and where the good, non touristy clubs are. Of course, I still stumble sometimes. The different dining hours are hard to get used to, and that bottle of Febreeze has still managed to elude me. I have yet to figure out the Spanish reluctance to dance in nightclubs.

but at the end of the day, I walk down the street and feel at home here. I dodge traffic and dash madly for the bus like thousands of other university students here. I linger for copas, tinto de verano, and churros after class with other students. I look forward to tapas and bedtimes of 4:30am when the weekend rolls around. phrases like "vale," "pues, nada," and "eso es" have started to creep into my mouth even when I´m speaking english.

So yea, Spain is still hitting the spot, even with essays to write.

And on I go to Spanish.

lata ya´ll

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