martes, 25 de septiembre de 2007

La primera semana

So here we go. I´ve been here more than a week and am just now getting myself together enough to start this thing. In my defense, it´s been quite a week :)

I arrived at the Málaga airport on less than two hours of sleep. Since I didn´t come on the group flight, I sat around in the baggage claim area for several hours. I can now proudly say that I´m very good at napping while simulataniously guarding several large suitcases.

To be honest though, that was really the worse part of my experience here so far. The city is beautiful - right on the Mediterranean coast (wild guess as to where I spent the weekend...) and full of enough history to make my head spin. I live about five minutes´walk from the Plaza de Merced, a main entertainment spot, and about 10 minutes from Al-Alcazaba, an Arabic fortress that dates from the 1100´s. There´s a Roman ampitheater right next to it (which is built on top of a Greek theatre on top of a Phoenicean get the idea). I´ll post some pictures soon.

More complete entries will follow, I promise. For now I just wanted to get this thing up and running.

Until then,

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